SECOND SPECIAL ISSUE REVISTA DE ECONOMÍA LABORAL. SECOND SERIES Collective bargaining, wages and employment. Reforms and prospects “Call for papers” |
In the new stage ofRevista de Economía Laboral (REL), the journal devotes a volume annually to a special issue. After the first one devoted to the economic analysis of labour market reforms passed during the financial crisis, the content of the new one, chosen by the Chair of Directors of the AEET and the Editorial Board of REL, focuses on the analysis of the systems of collective bargaining and their impact on wages and employment, with the aim of focusing on the reforms passed in 2011 and 2012 and the perspectives for the future, always paying attention to the economic analysis.
Therefore, REL invites contributions to this special issueto be published in December 2016 which would consist of about five analytic articles focusing, from diverging perspectives and points of view, on the study of the chosen topic. The number of articles will depend on the response of authors to this call for papers. These articles might be accompanied by short notes of descriptive nature on some of the themes that the special issue is bound to examine. Furthermore, it would also be possible to include one or two reviews on recent published books regarding collective bargaining.
The articles should have an economic approach and focus on the analysis of the main contents of collective bargaining, the Spanish model as compared with other, European models, the objectives and economic consequences of the reforms, the importance of wage-setting institutions concerning the coverage of firms and works, the structure of bargaining regarding the degree of centralization and coordination, and their impact on aggregate labour market performance indicators such as wages, working time and employment.
As a mere illustration, a list of potential topics to be treated in the special issue is provided below. Authors may refer to these topics when presenting their proposal of articles.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Collective bargaining, wages and employment. Reforms and prospects. ü Models of wage-setting institutions in the OECD and, in particular, EU countries. ü The Spanish model of collective bargaining and its comparison to others. ü The importance of labour market reforms in 2011 and 2012 and their impact on the key characteristics of the Spanish system of collective bargaining. Has the model changed with these reforms? ü The existence of statistical drawbacks to understand the nature and outcomes of the Spanish wage-setting model. ü Evolution and current situation of the collective bargaining coverage of employers and workers: dispersion and degree of centralization and coordination of the bargaining. ü Collective bargaining and agreed wages: relationship with take-home wages and influence on the process of wage devaluation. ü Collective bargaining and wage dispersion (by regions, industries, occupations and skills). ü Wage-setting structure, working time and employment. ü Wage-setting institutions and unemployment. Is collective bargaining a factor of rigidity of wages and the labour market? ü Future prospects on collective bargaining systems. Should they be reformed? If so, in what direction? ü … |
Particular proposals can be submitted by sending an abstract (maximum length of 500 words) before 25th April 2016 via electronic mail to the following address: . The abstract must contain an explanation of the objectives of the article, the key issues to be analyzed, the databases, the methods, a selection of references and, if possible, the preliminary conclusions of the study. As for short notes and book reviews, the maximum length of the abstract will be 100 words.
The acceptance decision of articles, short notes and book reviews will be done by the Editorial Board of the REL, upon proposal of the special issue coordinators, Mr. Carlos García-Serrano and Mr. José Ignacio Pérez Infante, before 15th May 2016.
In case of acceptance, the deadline for the submission of complete manuscripts will be 15th September 2016. Immediately afterwards, the evaluation process of articles, short notes and book reviews will be initiated, so that the special issue should be ended at the end of December 2016 to be available in the web site of the REL in January 2017.
The maximum length (at 1.5 lines spacing) will be 30 pages for the articles and 5 pages for the short notes and the book reviews.
We encourage the potential authors to submit any of the abovementioned types of work.
Sincerely yours,
The Editorial Board