How to join

Last Updated: septiembre 17, 2014By

How to join

To join the AEET, fill in the registration form (in Spanish) and send it to the secretary of the AEET.

At present, the address of the secretaryship is :

Sara Pinillos

Departamento de Análisis Económico: Teoría e Historia Económica

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

28049 Madrid (Spain)


Tel. +34 91 497 4312

Anyway, persons participating for the first time in the Labour Economics Conferences will be invited to join. If you are joining because of the Conferences, your registration fee will include the biennial membership fee. This is extendable to all members who participate in the conferences: with their registration, they also pay their biennial fee, which covers the period between meetings.

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