Cómo hacerse socio de la AEET

Last Updated: April 30, 2013By

Cómo hacerse socio de la AEET

Para asociarse a la AEET basta con completar el boletín de inscripción y enviarlo a la Secretaría de la AEET.

At this time, the contact address of the Secretariat is as follows:

Sara Pinillos

Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Autonomous University of Madrid

28049 Madrid (Spain)

correo electrónico: aeetrabajo@gmail.com

Tel. +34 91 497 4312

In any case, researchers participating for the first time in the Labour Economics Meeting will be invited to join the association. If you become a member due to your participation in the Conference, your registration fee will include the biennial membership fee. This is extendable to all members that participate in the Conference: their registration in the Labour Economics Meeting includes their biennial membership fee, covering the period between meetings.


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