The impact of leisure complementarity on the labour force participation of older males in Spain

Last Updated: mayo 2, 2016By

Pérez, C., Martín-Román, Á. & Moral, A. (2015): The impact of leisure complementarity on the labour force participation of older males in Spain, Applied Economics Letters, 22 (3), 214-217.



This work seeks to gauge the complementarity or shared leisure effect in Spain. The study evidences the importance which the increase in female activity rates has on the decision of their male spouses to prolong their labour market participation. Thus, if active ageing is to be encouraged, vis-à-vis nonearly exit from the labour force of those in the latter stages of their working lives, and if the burden on public pensions is to be alleviated, comprehensive economic policies need to be adopted addressing the family unit of older persons as a whole rather than focusing on each individual member.

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